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The Ramblings of Life
Just some thoughts about life experiences
WoW ~ What a Sweet Addiction
My return to "the game"
Published on August 18, 2005 By
Well, after about 6 months away from WoW, trying other games...I have returned to World of Warcraft.
In my absence, I have played Everquest 2 (good game...but the artwork is very....unfantastic), Star Wars Galaxies (same as it was before...bad), Guild Wars (great game....but taking a break for awhile). I have been itching to play an online game again, so I decided to reinstall WoW....and I am glad I did!!
I logged back in under my old character, Tinta, a female Night Elf Hunter (lvl 25)....and was totally lost. I mean, I couldn't remember what quests she had, what I was trying to accomplish at the time of my last disconnect (6 months prior)....so while talking to someone who happened to help me out with interface configuration, I decided to take her advice and reroll a character.
I have a friend that plays the game, and decided to jump over to his server (a PvP server). I went with Alliance, as all his characters are Alliance: Human Warrior. I have played less than 10 hours total, and she is lvl 15 (getting close to 16). Wow....I am really enjoying the game again. The server she is on is Dethecus...I have grouped with some ppl (including my friend). I have gotten a charter to start a guild (Ring of Honor). I just got a better 2-handed axe (Axe of the Whale, I think).
So, while playing my human warrior, I have been thinking of other characters I could create: a Dwarf Paladin who specializes in 2-handed hammers; Night Elf Druid...or Rogue; Undead Warlock; Troll Shaman....or....a Tauran Hunter.
I did just that: I created a Tauran Hunter (on the Warsong server). He is already up to lvl 9 (and almost halfway to lvl 10). I am really enjoying playing that character also!!
I left WoW because I became somewhat bored with it....I never really had latency problems, and I never seen any queues....I was just....bored. I had made it to lvl 25 virtually unopposed. I am liking the whole PvP server, as I will have to play hard to get to the higher levels, as there is a war going on out there
One thing I keep making mention of to myself (and to my wife sitting on the couch reading), is that this game is beautifully rendered. The graphics in it are very vibrant. EQ2's artwork was more a real-life medieval tromp...but WoW is simply....WOW.....very pretty, very lively. The starting area for the Taurans is very nice looking. And Stormwind is just a cool little city.
Another reason I ended up quiting before was it was too much work to keep Cosmos updated. Every patch, Cosmos wouldn't work for me for a day or so. But for me to really be able to play the game, i needed more action bars. I had found out, though, that the devs had actually allowed the players to put more action bars on their screens. I am fairly certain that this was not part of the actual game, unless using a 3rd party program. It makes the game much easier to play with several action bars up on the screen.
All in all, I am very pleased with playing WoW again. Although I started with my human warrior, I am thinking my Tauran Hunter is going to become my primary character....Last night I struck a deal with my wife: she plays WoW and creates a character and actually plays the game....and I will read some of her (yuck) Romance novels....
not a bad price to pay to have another thing to share with my wife....
At any rate: I am back!!
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Eve Online
on Aug 19, 2005
well...today I accomplished something in the game....I am kinda proud of it too.
My Tauran hunter tamed The Rake. The Rake is a rare named beast (fanged lion) that spawns not very much in the Golden Plains right outside of Thunder Bluff.
It took me quite awhile hunting for him....killed many many animals (w/ my pet wolf)I had died before, and as I died, there The Rake spawned...and walked over my dead body....
So, I went back to the area...and hunted...and waited...and hunted...and waited....
Finally, after a tough fight with Arra'Chea (a named Kodo...I had killed about 7 of them while waiting for The Rake to show up), The Rake spawned RIGHT next to me. He started atacking me, so I quickly released my wolf pet, and started taming The Rake....I got bloodied up pretty good, but somehow, right before he would have taken me out, he was tamed!!
So now, I have tamed The Rake. I renamed him Pride....cause I am pretty proud of that.
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